342-FH-3A-42169-70294AC 47th fs p 186 463375

342-FH-3A-42169-70294AC 47th fs p 186 463375 More
342-FH-3A-42169-70294AC 47th fs p 186 463375 The new Premier of Japan was ushered in with a bang on 7 April 1945, when for the first time in World War II land based fighters escorted Boeing B-29's over Tokyo. Two hundred B-29's based in the Marianas, and a hundred North American P-51's pulled a one two over industrial Tokyo that brought twenty-one Jap planes tumbling down. Here, the pilots climb in their sleek Mustangs short¬ly before take off on one of the longest over water hops ever to be made by land based fighters. They took off at 7:00 A.M. from their 7th Air Force base on Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands, and, with the Superforts, were over the target at 11:00 A.M. 47th Fighter Squadron, 15th Fighter Group


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