2004 Reunion Details

The 506th FG's annual reunion will be April 15-18 in Tampa, Florida.  This corresponds with the huge Sun 'n Fun airshow in Lakeland, and I understand that our group will be received as VIP guests for that event.  Is there a way to announce the reunion on the website?  People can contact me via e-mail, telephone (704-788-1844), or snail mail (110 Bridlewood Place, Concord, NC 28025) for more information.

2000 /2001Reunion

506th Fighter Group Reunion 2001

On April 24-26, 2000, forty-three men and women gathered in the shadows of the Smoky Mountains to attend the annual reunion of the 506th Fighter Group (457th, 458th, and 462nd Fighter Squadrons) in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Twenty veterans and twenty-three family members enjoyed Southern hospitality organized by Col. Jack Westbrook (458th Squadron), Oklahoma humor delivered by former astronaut Charlie Dry, and Southern charm warmly supplied by Anita Bryant.

The event opened on Monday with a cookout, followed by the first of many hours of renewing acquaintances and telling stories in the Hospitality Suite. Some of the stories may even have been true. Tuesday started with a morning Memorial Service, followed by a visit from former NASA test astronaut Dry (also known as Anita Bryant's husband). Tuesday evening's banquet featured an inspiring and patriotic video with the very appropriate theme "Heroes," followed by an address by BGEN Walter J. "Bud" Bacon, USAF (Ret), a Knoxville native and veteran of Korea and Vietnam.

A business meeting on Wednesday morning preceded another afternoon of free time for exploring the many shops in Pigeon Forge and nearby Gatlinburg or telling more tall tales in the Hospitality Suite. The group later enjoyed dinner at the Alabama Grill, then went to Anita Bryant's Music Mansion Theater for two hours of stellar entertainment.

Everyone agreed that Jack Westbrook had done an outstanding job of organizing the reunion, and it was quickly and enthusiastically decided to hold the 2001 reunion at the same site. Please mark calendars now for April 23-25, 2001, and join comrades and friends of the 506th Fighter Group at the Music Road Hotel in Pigeon Forge, TN. Further details will be sent out in March, so contact Col. Jack Westbrook, P.O. Box 1801, Knoxville, TN 37901 to be added to his mailing list.

2001 Reunion Photo


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